Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Classic Literature

I finished my current project and I couldn't wait to post pictures. I used a more classical and realistic approach for this one, drawing in the books, then underpainting them and progressively adding layers. I also focused more on values and correctly mixing colors, which takes more time but really pays off. I even spent extra time on the composition, getting a single light source on the subject because "a painting that is well composed is half finished" -Bonnard. I'm pleased with the outcome and will definitely continue to work on realism although I'll still need to do more freely expressionistic and painterly paintings too. I'm debating whether to sell this one or keep it for my personal collection but since it has a few months to dry I guess I'll keep thinking about it! Comment if you'd perhaps be interested in owning it.

Classic Literature 11" x 14"
Top: H.P. Lovecraft - Tales
Middle: Fyodor Dostoevsky - Crime and Punishment
Bottom: Dante Alighieri - The Divine Comedy
(All wonderful books that I highly recommend)

1 comment:

  1. This looks incredible! I think you have a talent in realism...even if you dislike it. I love the labels of the books! It looks amazing.
