Sunday, May 9, 2010

Fruit for my sister in law

After more than half a year I finally made it back to my easel and my oil paints! This is a little still life for my sister in law's kitchen to get warmed up again. It took about 5 hours (racing against withering fruit) and I enjoyed every minute of it. It felt great to be back even though I have enjoyed learning so much about watercolor. I'm pleased with how it turned out and so was she.
I also discovered that strawberries make the Top 5 favorite smells of Taylor Norton list along with BBQ sauce, coffee, yerba mate, and fresh baked bread. (Note: List subject to change at any time)
On a completely unrelated note, if you direct your gaze to the top right corner of my blog under the header you'll see a link to my newly opened ETSY PAGE! Yes that's right folks, for the first time in history the original art of artist Taylor Norton is now on sale to the public. Click the link and take advantage of this momentous occasion. Also I have an abundance of free time right now so if anyone out there would like to commission a painting just comment or email me at

Fruit for Rachel
8"x8" Canvas
Private Collection

1 comment:

  1. Taylor I love it! I can't wait until it's dry enough to put on my wall and show off to everyone! Thank you SO SO much! I can't tell you how much it means that you would paint this for me! Thank you!!
