Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cupcake 1

I love the daily painting movement and follow many artists who complete a small piece each day. Although I don't have the resources or time to be that prolific, I occasionally get to fit one in. I've been planning on painting this for a few weeks and finally got the chance. It took about two hours and was exceptionally fun to paint. I approached this piece armed with several ideas and goals. I forced myself to premix my main colors before I got a brush in my hand because I find that this way sets me up for a more accurate color mixture and saves me frustration later on. I also tried to limit my palette somewhat so the colors I mix are harmonious. For example, the background hue was made by mixing Cerulean Blue with some of the colors from the chocolate mixture. I really wanted to show the value change in the paper from dark on the bottom where the cupcake is flush against it, to the lighter top where the paper starts to peel away from the cake a bit. I'm quite satisfied with the result and plan on making this the first in a series.

First I sketched it in thin Burnt Umber, just
getting the placement and general shape established.

Then I block in the darks before finishing with the
highlights and background/foreground

After approximately 2 hours I have the finished product.

'Chocolate Cupcake'
Oil on canvas


The painting extends onto the four sides of the square canvas
so it can be hung without a frame if desired:

1 comment:

  1. Neat! I too follow the daily folk with envy and wonder.

    Like you, I mix my main colours first before I begin, also with a limited palette.

    Your results are beautifully harmonious and it looks like it was fun to do.
